(photos courtesy of Alex Hicks at the Spartanburg Herald Journal)
I’m not sure I’m what most people think of as a “kid person”. In my 37 years, I really haven’t had that much interaction with children at all, although I haven’t really avoided it as a rule. The opportunity just hasn’t presented itself. In fact, people are often surprised after seeing me interact with children and I get these strange backhanded compliments like “You’re really good with kids. I didn’t expect that.” Uh, yeah, usually I eat them for breakfast, but your kid’s special and well, I had already eaten.
So when the opportunity presented itself to get involved in the Spartanburg Youth! Theatre’s production (and collaboration with SLT) of The Best Christmas Pageant Ever, I thought it would be a excellent opportunity to get a first hand look into how this rather unique organization operates. After all, I am kind of the boss. Well Matt Giles is their boss. Praise the lord.
The thing about SYT is that it may be the only youth theatre of its kind in the entire United States. It’s a “by youth, for youth” youth theatre, meaning every aspect of production (except for the direction of the show) is done by kids in the 3rd through the 12th grade. They build the sets, run the sound board, run the light board, stage manage, act, raise and lower the curtains, help with the costumes, and act as backstage crew. What makes this unique is the almost complete absence of any adults in the production process. While most other youth theatres include adult actors, adults running sound and lights and building and stage managing, this youth theatre puts the whole production in the hands of the kids. (Now The Best Christmas Pageant Ever, being a collaboration with SLT, does include a handful of adult actors).
But it is truly inspiring to watch these 50+ kids take care of aspects of production that adults normally take care of. In fact, the kids often put the adults to shame when it comes to knowing your lines, or being in the right place at the right time. One time I arrived at rehearsal a few minutes after we had begun because I had a meeting. I walked backstage and a 10 year old girl looked up at me and said, completely without irony…”You’re late”.
She was right of course, and while I might have wanted to step on her just a little bit, I preferred to think of it as a good example of with the Spartanburg Youth! Theatre has been doing since 1971, preparing Spartanburg’s youth for adulthood, instilling responsibility, fostering creativity, taking a ragtag group of individuals and making them a well oiled working machine.
Playing the father in The Best Christmas Pageant Ever is probably the closest I’ll ever get to fatherhood in the real sense, but watching these children create and flourish and respond to pressure and come through, makes me just as proud as an real father could be.
Come see The Best Christmas Pageant Ever, presented by The Spartanburg Youth! Theatre at the Chapman Cultural Center on December 4th at 4:30 and 7:00 and on December 5th at 2:00 and 7:00. Tickets available at 542-ARTS and at http://www.chapmanculturalcenter.org/. Both shows on December 4th are almost sold out, and December 5th shows are not far behind. Reserve now!
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