Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Gearing up for 2009/2010: SLT Summer Social Style!

It’s hard for anyone to understand how crazy our Spartanburg Little Theatre/Spartanburg Youth Theatre production season can be.  With 5 Mainstage productions involving anywhere from 10-60 people, a full production season for the Spartanburg Youth Theatre, school time performances, public performances, benefits, Youth Education classes, Imagine That performances and day to day life at the Chapman Center, life over here can get pretty hectic.

That’s why we take a few months in the summer to regroup, (I wish I could say relax) and to get ready for the next 9 month long juggernaut that is the 2009-2010 season.  We do it happily of course.  I mean, that’s why we’re here after all.

A few weeks ago, the SLT and SYT family came together at the “HOMESTEAD”, the old David Reid Playhouse out at Camp Croft, lawn chairs, covered dishes, coolers and blankets in hand to enjoy each others’ company before the craziness of the season ensues. 

And the SLT spirit lives on…

Next up……”My Fair Lady” hits the CCC!  Ticket available now.

1 comment:

  1. Aw shucks! So many familiar faces... Sure makes me miss Sparkle City, and post-rehearsal karaoke at The Open...
