Friday, September 18, 2009

This…is how….we do it. It’s Friday night and I feel alright.


The Spartanburg Little Theatre’s Friday September 18 performance of “My Fair Lady” is SOLD OUT. Limited tickets available for Saturday and Sunday. Better snap ‘em up! Or call 542-ARTS.

Friday, September 11, 2009

MY FAIR LADY Opens Tonight!

Special thanks to Alex Hicks at The Spartanburg Herald-Journal for these photographs.  Go to this page to view the rest!



And 542-ARTS or to buy tix.

Guess What Opens Tonight????

my fair lady 

Tickets going fast!  Call (864) 542-ARTS or go to

Thursday, September 3, 2009

MY FAIR LADY in Rehearsal

Not often enough does the public get a glimpse into what the rehearsal process for a Spartanburg Little Theatre production looks like.  Below are some fantastic pictures take by our very own Melissa Ragan (nee Pesaro) of our upcoming production of My Fair Lady in rehearsal:


Mark Ferguson as Alfred Doolittle


Caroline Ritchie as Eliza Doolittle


Peter Haloulas and Mark Byrnes as Pickering and Higgins

And finally a slideshow of all the pics:

My Fair Lady opens September 11th and runs through September 20th.  You can get tickets if they’re still available at (864) 542-ARTS.  Or go to